Передача (перенос) генетической информации от одной бактериальной клетки (донора) к другой (реципиенту) с помощью бактериофага
[http://www.dunwoodypress.com/148/PDF/Biotech_Eng-Rus.pdf] |
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The conversion of one kind of energy into another, e.g. conversion of the chemical energy of ATP into mechanical energy by muscle contraction; also conversion of a signal as it crosses a barrier, e.g. linkage of hormone binding on the outside of a plasma membrane to the generation of a second messenger inside it; also DNA transfer by a virus that can incorporate into its own genome part of the DNA of a first host and then transfer it to a second host.
[О. С. Воеводина Англо-русско-немецкий словарь биотехнологических терминов с определениями.] |
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