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расшивать швы каменной (кирпичной) кладки

Дата последнего изменения:2017.12.19
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  расшивать швы каменной (кирпичной) кладки
point for which stress is to be computed - point in the plane - to point the instrument - point of application - point of certainty - point of compound curvature - point of concentration - point of contraflexure - point of curvature - point of cusp - point of grade intersection - point of high stress concentration - point of inflection - point of intersection - point of lateral restraint - point of support - point of switch - point of tangency - point of the maximum bending moment - point of vertical curve - point of vertical intersection - point of vertical tangent - point of zero moment - airport reference point - angle point - arbitrary point - azeotropic point - balance point - bearing point - bending point - bent-up point - blade point - boiling point - boom point - Borros point - bottom chord panel point - break point - catch point - change point - change-over point - common point - condensation point - conflict point - control point - crowbar point - curve-to-tangent point - cut-in point - cut-out point - dew point - draw-off point - drive point - driving point - drop point - electric point - end switch point - eutectic point - firing point - fixed point - fixing point - flash point - focal point - forced point - freezing point - frog point - frost point - fusing point - gas point - glazier's point - guide point - high stress concentration point - hinged point - ignition point - intermediate point - intersection point - jib point - junction point - light point - low point - lower-chord panel point - lower yield point - mass point - melting point - movable center point - neutral point - nodal point - Oslo point - panel point - pavement settlement point - picture point - pile point - plumb point - plus point - principal point - reference point - road settlement point - roof truss panel point - Sampson point - sand point - saturation point - saw point - set point - sharply defined yield point - side point - signal clearance point - softening point - starting point - surface-hardened point - surveying reference point - switch point - switch-on point - tangent point - tangent-to-curve point - top-chord panel point - transition point - turning point - upper chord panel point - upper yield point - vanishing point - water-supply point - wing point - work point - yield point


  • строительство в целом


  • point


