ультрафиолетовая спектроскопия
УФ спектроскопия
[О. С. Воеводина Англо-русско-немецкий словарь биотехнологических терминов с определениями.] |
EN |
ultraviolet spectroscopy | UV spectroscopy
A technique which measures absorption of electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths shorter than the visible spectrum, i.e. below 400 nm. In biological samples, UV spectroscopy detects aromatic residues of proteins and bases of nucleic acids. Commercial UV spectrometers commonly measure the visible spectrum and detect extensively conjugated aromatic systems, such as haemoglobin and chlorophyll, but also transition metals and their complexes.
[О. С. Воеводина Англо-русско-немецкий словарь биотехнологических терминов с определениями.] |
FR |
- ultraviolet spectroscopy
- UV spectroscopy
- Ultraviolett-Spektroskopie
- UV-Spektroskopie