парадокс Левинталя
[О. С. Воеводина Англо-русско-немецкий словарь биотехнологических терминов с определениями.] |
EN |
paradox of Levinthal
The discrepancy between the enormous number of conformations a polypeptide may assume and the rapidity with which it normally achieves its native conformation. It excludes the possibility that each conformation is sampled and only the thermodynamically most stable form persists and proposes a pathway that leads denatured conformations to the native state. This proposal was later considered naïve, and has been superceded by the funnel concept.
[О. С. Воеводина Англо-русско-немецкий словарь биотехнологических терминов с определениями.] |
FR |