комплектное распределительное устройство среднего напряжения
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FR |
Safety enclosed boards are used for most new installations. Common terms used to designate equipment of this type are metal-enclosed switchgear and metal-clad switchgear.
Most safety enclosed boards are of the unit or sectional type. They consist of a combination of the desired number and type of standardized unit sections.
Each section is a standard factory-assembled combination of a formed steel panel and apparatus mounted on a steel framework.
Safety enclosed switchgear may be classified with respect to purpose of application as follows:
1. General medium- or high-voltage switchgear
2. Primary unit substations
3. Rectifier unit substations
4. Secondary unit substations or power centers
5. General low-voltage switchgear
6. Low-voltage distribution switchboards
7. Motor-control-center switchboards
[American electricians’ handbook]
Medium-voltage switchgear (Fig. 4.115) provides for the required control and metering equipment for generators, transformer supply circuits, feeders, large motors, etc., for systems with voltage up to 15,000 V. A large variety of standardized units is available
FIGURE 4.115 Medium-voltage metal-enclosed switchgear. [Westinghouse Electric Corp.]
[American electricians’ handbook]