Научная дисциплина и методология, занимающаяся определением дат и интерпретацией явлений прошлого, в частности, истории климата, изменчивости климата и его трендов, случаев возникновения пожаров на основе анализа годичных колец деревьев и пожарных подсушин
[Международная многоязыковая лесопожарная терминология. Иркутск, 2010] |
EN |
The science of dating the age of a tree by studying annual growth rings. It is also employed to interpret previous environments and climatic variations by examining certain kinds of trees. It is based on the theory that the width of the growth ring reflects the amount of rainfall and the temperature of the year in which it was formed. (Source: WRIGHT)
Scientific discipline and methodology concerned with dating and interpreting past events, particularly historic climate, climate variability and trends, and fire occurrence, based on the analysis of tree rings and fire scars
[Международная многоязыковая лесопожарная терминология. Иркутск, 2010] |
FR |
- лесные пожары
- охрана окружающей среды
- Dendrochronologie
- Jahrringanalyse