биологическая обработка
биологическая обработка
ОБРАБОТКА, при которой используются МИКРООРГАНИЗМЫ для расщепления органических компонентов, например, в НАВОЗЕ, СТОЧНЫХ ВОДАХ и т.д.
[Глоссарий терминов по животноводству и обращению с навозом 2011] |
EN |
biological treatment
Process that uses microorganisms to decompose organic wastes either into water, carbon dioxide, and simple inorganic substances, or into simpler organic substances, such as aldehydes and acids. The purpose of a biological treatment system is to control the environment for microorganisms so that their growth and activity are enhanced, and provide a means for maintaining high concentration of the microorganisms in contact with the wastes. (Source: PARCOR)
biological treatment
TREATMENT in which MICROORGANISMS are used to breakdown organic constituents in e.g. MANURE, WASTEWATER, etc.
[Glossary of Terms on livestock and manure management 2011] |
FR |
- животноводство в целом
- охрана окружающей среды